10:08 PM
Audio Fanfiction Contest
Author: Tempation Staff // Category: Contest, posted by Caitlin
As you've heard on the recent Temptation episodes we are hosting our first ever listener contest! Yay! In this contest we are asking people to record themselves reading an excerpt from their favourite fanfiction (or one that they think works well with being read out loud) and send it in to us. We will then play all of the entries in an episode, put a poll up here on the website and you will get to vote for your favourite. We may also pick a judges favourite and have two winners. We're not quite sure yet. Probably though.
Here are the rules, please make sure to read them all if you are in violation (that sounds so serious) your entry will not be aired on the podcast.
Thanks for being interested and I hope to see your entries soon.
Here are the rules, please make sure to read them all if you are in violation (that sounds so serious) your entry will not be aired on the podcast.
- All entries must be sent into temptationtwilight@gmail.com
- All entries must be received by midnight PST on March 31st.
- Please have "Audio Fanfiction Contest" in the sybject line of any entries emailed to us.
- All entries must be under five minutes.
- In the body of the email you must include the name of the fanfiction, the author of the fanfiction, a link to the story, and short blurb on why you chose it.
- The section you read must be rated PG13 or lower but the fic itself can be rated anything you like.
Thanks for being interested and I hope to see your entries soon.
I'm going to suck at this.
... I didn't say I wasn't going to try, I just said I'm going to suck.
Good luck everyone!!
You guys are going to LOVE our entries.
...especially Caitlin's. *wink wink, nudge nudge*
As a person who has to come up with rules for contests a lot, can I suggest you also include the following:
-Limit to the number of entries per person (though I guess we could just send from multiple emails, but the honor system does work sometimes)
-Suggest that the person making the recording get the permission of the author before submitting it. This is IMPORTANT. Even fan fiction has some copyright law attached to it.
-Are collaborations allowed?
Sorry to be the fun suck. Just trying to help.
Ooh, those are good. Especially getting the permission from the author.
wel after much pursuasion, it looks like I am entering the contest. Which is going to be interesting.
So I am off to practice :D